I Hate...

people who think they know everything
the fact that Bill Gates stole the Microsoft ideas from Steve Jobs's Macintosh
slow modems
heavy metal
Katie Bylzinski
when people hold grudges, even after major apologizing (which is my reason for the dislike of Katie)
people who look into other people's windows and watch them dress
drugs with no purpose (i.e. cigarettes and alcohol)
illegal drugs
when people I care about are sick &/or dying
when people lie (in adult language: tell BS)
the commercialization of holidays
messing up
bad grades
things that cause headaches
extreamly cold weather
people who have a problem with others who happen have a problem or disability
when people don't give others a chance just because they're somehow inferior to them
(i.e. not being good-looking, problems at home, health problems, not being perfect, etc.)

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